14 feb 2012


On20 October2011, MuammarGaddafi, leaderof Libya,was capturedand beatento deathby NTCforces. Hisdeath andsubsequent eventsare amystery sincenobody reallyknow whathappened andthere aremany hypothesis.On myopinion,Gaddafi's lifeshould havebeen takenin anotherway.
Firstly, NTC forces dragged him from the drainage pipe he was hiding in and what next happened is uncertain, but it is known that he was beaten by them. I believe that it would have been better to keep him alive, so they could trial him for crimes against humanity. After that, they exposed the body in a freezer so that everybody could see him dead and didn't let Gaddafi's family or Amnesty International make an autopsy. In addition, he shouldn't have been displayed like a trophy because he should have been buried.
Secondly, after Gaddafi's death, the new government won't give more rights to the citizens and it will be based on the Islamic law, Sharia. To my mind, abolishing divorce and allowing polygamy is not a step forward since divorced was allowed during Gaddafi's regime and polygamy wasn't, but they are still in transition and we don't know yet what their democracy will be like.
Tosum up,Gaddafi's shouldhave beenkept aliveso hecould havebeen triedand rebelsshouldn't haveshown hisbody asa trophyas theydid, becausethat kindof actsis whatthey condemned.

2 comentarios:

  1. I want to congratulate you for this essey, I think you tract the issue in a different way, the real part which isn't explained in TV about the way he died. Moreover you also talk about the differences between Gaddafi's time and after him.

  2. I've enjoyed reading your eassy, because I've learnt some new things about the new government that I didn't know.
