2 feb 2012


In recent years, humans aren't aware of how many species of animsl are already extinct or are about to become extinct, however, when they do realise it's too late.

Some of the most endangered animals are whales, pandas, koalas and white tigers. The main reason fort their extinction is due to human activities. We are constantly polluting our environment, so we must make people aware of this, so that they stop doing it. Lots of water species eat rubbish we have thrown away, like plastic bags, thinking it's food and because of this they die. Moreover, there are also lots of hunters that kill a huge amount of animals, like whales as well as white tigers fort their oil and skin which they then sell and make a lot of money from; this must be stopped.

In conclusions I think that apart from making people more aware of the amount of endangered species there are, they should also introduce heavy fines for people who don't take any notice.

1 comentario:

  1. I like your essay, I think that is very interesting what you think. In addition, your expression is good and the text is correctly structured.
