25 oct 2013

Better off as friends 1 - WITH HELP!!!!!

A long time ago, when I was going to a different school, a really important event changed my life completely. I will never forget about it, since it has helped me evolve so much. I was an innocent high schooler without that much experience with life, and I had never had never really close to a female; they were usually only acquaintances of mine. However, my group of school friends started to open up a bit more to other people. Soon, the small zone of the playground that used to be "ours" started being a bit more convoluted, although it was refreshing moreso than it was a bother. Along with these new people I was meeting thanks to my buddies, was a really pretty girl one year younger than me, with long blonde hair and beautiful chocolate eyes. Her name was Marcia.

Marcia and I quickly bonded with me more than anyone else in the group. We got to know each other swiftly, and found out that we enjoyed a lot of the same things. We thought we were soulmates almost instantly and, shortly after, started to hang out more outside of school. Obviously, it wasn't long until we started to flirt with each other. At first, it was in a joking manner. I don't think neither of us thought that the other one would be a suitable partner: we were pals, and nothing else! However, feelings change with the passing of time. One random day, I just found myself hoping for her to be in love with me. It took me a bit to realize that, if I was thinking that, was because I was the one in love with her. The reason I wanted her to fall in love with me was because I've always found it hard to talk about my feelings. I didn't want to be the one to come out to her.

At the end, however, I worked up the courage to tell her. And she agreed! But I was soon deceived by what seemed to be so perfect at the beginning. She turned out to be really greedy. She made me buy everything she desired. I even discovered she had cheated on me, even if it was while she was drunk Our relationship became poisonous, and we had really big arguements. Two or three times, we even hit each other. One day, we sat down and started talking about it: we realized that, as friends we were so much happier. We had an open relationship for a while, still meeting up sometimes as boyfriend and girlfriend, but most of the times we just acted as friends and let the other his or her space. And, finally, after two shaky years, we broke up. However, we are still good friends, and I'm glad we were able to maintain that.

Guillermo López, 2nd Batx D

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