24 oct 2013

It wasn't true love 4

We met one summer day, and I thought: " this is true love". We went to the cinema to see a love film and then we went to swim in her swimmig pool. The next day we went to a football match, and I tought I had found the perfect girl; we liked the same things!

Two months later, things were not so easy. She told me that she hated football, I told her I hated love films and I did't like her friends. She told me she wanted to talk about feelings, and I thought that I didn't want to talk anymore. She asked me if I remembered what dress she was wearing the first day we met, and which film we had seen. I didn't remember anything, so I didn't answer.

I realised men and women are from different planets and that girl and I were so different ... There was nothing we had in common, nothing we could enjoy doing together. Our relationship ended, but we are not sad. Maybe next time our planets won't be so far away from each other.

Jaime Lasala 2º C

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