25 oct 2013

The return of love 4

It was 5 am and we went to the airport. I saw him and he had crying eyes and he gave me a huge hug. I started to cry and then he kissed me as if it were the last time we saw each other, then I grabbed my baggage and I started to  get on board the airplane and I could hear him crying and I turned back before I went and I said "I love you". After that I went to Barcelona to start my studies at university and I had really good times but I missed having him next to me,  and seeing him at any time, hugging him looking into his eyes and  saying that we loved each other. For a while a good solution to this problem was Skype but then I didn't have too much time to connect and when I had I felt very sad because it was always like a cold relationship without hugs and kisses.

After three months the situation was getting worse day after day, it was something that was eating my mind and I couldn't concentrate on my studies and then I decided to put an end  to this situation because I saw that distance was our worst enemy and I realised our relationship wouldn't work. I called him and told him what I was thinking and I added that I couldn't wait for him for two years. He didn't answer me and then he started to cry and me too , but he admited that we had just grown apart and maybe it could be the right solution. 
When I returned to my city we never saw each other anymore, but three years later in Barcelona, I went to the café were I used to go and drink my coffee every morning and I looked around me and I saw him, and I couldn't believe it, he just smiled at me and I gave him a huge hug. We decided to drink our coffee together and talk about our life: he met a new girl but she wasn't the love of his life and he had finished his studies, I told him that I was in my last year at university and I was planning a trip to Mexico for a few weeks in summer. When we had finished he asked me "Shall we meet tomorrow?" and he was looking at me with these big brown eyes and smiling at me that I couldn't resist it and I said "Yes".
After that we started to go out almost every day until one day during my final exams, we met in the square and he was waiting for me and the first words he said to me were "I miss you". I couldn't understand and I asked him why he said that, and he said that he missed hugging me like in the past and being more than friends. I started to cry and I hugged him, he told me "I love you and I don't want to lose you" and I just kissed him.

Today, being in Mexico, I'm enjoying the heat of the sun on my skin lying on the beach with a tequila cocktail and by my side after 4 years I
 have the boy with whom I fell in love the first day that I saw him.

Elisa Alcaide Stumpf 2batxC

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