25 oct 2013

Impossible love 1

My history (WW)starts t) three years ago when I met a boy in(PREP) a party. At first he dind't seem important but after this party we started to talk and go out.

Then a month after i got on well with him. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so excited! In the early months everything were (G) incredible I trusted him and he in me. However one day ____ changed because we continually had many discussions (WW) . In the end he split up with me because our relationship ended in failure because of communication problems. But one day we reconciled and we tried again. Until one day he kissed another girl in a party. I was very very sad at the news and I hate (T)his guts.

Finally we patched up our differences and he told me that he was very sorry and I decided to belive him. Althought I was heart-broken and still distrusted him. We carried on arguing and I worked up the courage to split up with him. I think ___ was the best i could have ever done. Nowadays we talk sometimes and try to be friends.

Alina Achig 2batch D


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