24 oct 2013

The first love 4

Everybody lives an unforgettable love story once in their live. When you live a special moment with someone, you don't know it at the moment, it's after some time when you realise it has been a situation to remember. That kind of story happened to me with my first love, the one that it's said to be the only true in life.

My story began three years ago, in September. It was the typical month when summer is coming to an end and "back to school" starts. But that year was a bit different because I didn't know anybody in my new class and that worried me, I didn't want to feel alone. However, things turned out differently, I met a lot of people and I made good school friends, one in particular. A boy called James who was different from the rest; I felt that there was a special connexion between us and I was right because it was love at first sight. We started to go out and do a lot of things together. Everything was groovy, like a perfect dream. Nevertheless, things changed without any warning, James's parents lost their job and the only option they had was to move to another city. We were too young and the situation was complicated, then we understood that distance was our worst enemy and I realised our relationship wouldn't work.

I fell out of touch with him, I started a new course and I got over with help from my friends and family. Anyway, he will always be in my heart and If I see him someday, I'm sure we'll have a great time remembering our story.

Gemma Barca Pons 2nD

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