7 ene 2013

ARE TATTOOS A GOOD IDEA? (final version)

A few years ago it was fashionable to have  tattoos; nevertheless time changes and nowadays the big tattoos may not be a good idea. 

In my opinion tattoos should be neither large nor colourful, but small and black, as well as they had better have a sense to oneself. Besides maybe they shouldn't be in sight, so that when you look for a job it isn't a problem: first of all, if you work in a public place and you are covered with tattoos, you don’t cause a good impression or you don't inspire confidence.

In some workplaces it isn't allowed to have visible tattoos. Therefore, workers with tattoos must wear with clothes which cover their tattoos. Some people decide it remove them with laser, but it is very expensive and they are very difficult to eliminate.

To sum up, before somebody decides to get a tattoo, he should have it in some place that it isn't in sight, if he doesn't want to have it deleted earlier.

Laia Cabanillas 2C

10 comentarios:

  1. Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red. Pay attention to the grammar and try not to translate literally!

  2. It's true that if you're looking for a job that implies face to face contact with customers, you won't get it if you wear visible large tattoos. Moreover, even though the essay is easy to understand, you should try not to write the same way as you write in Spanish or Catalan.

  3. I think I understand you meant with the essay: The tattoos should be small, colorless, because it's more easy to remove and these should be in concealed body parts. I'm agreed. I like the tattoos but I prefer a small one and it isn't in sight.

  4. I also think that tattoos should not be too bright to prevent having to delete them in the future and if not they are very large.

  5. It is very important to have very clearly if really you want to do to you a tattoo and where, since spent a time you can repent. I agree with you in whom having done a tattoo to you at sight could be a problem to find work.
    And finally, I believe that not the whole world can be allowed to take a tattoo from him with laser since it is very expensive. But each one is responsible for his decisions!!

  6. I think that tattoos are not bad because everybody is free to wear the clothes they want or have a tattoo. But if you work with the public you shouldn't have it in a visible place.

  7. About your essay, I want to say that I don't like tattos at all, but I don't this like to see a tatto in a person. I respect everyone, but people should be conscious that it will be forever and it must be a well thought decision. I totally agree with you.

  8. I think that it's a silliness can't have a tattoos in a visible place with the public. Personally I d'on't like it but I think that people are free to wear tattoos.

  9. Now read the essay and pay attention to the words in blue. Then erase the words in red and change the whole colour (original colour- black) and write FINAL VERSION next to the title.

  10. I can't agree with you. First of all, I want to say that I don't have any tattoo, but if someone wants to has one, is his/her matter. Secondly, there are very beautiful tattos, so I can't undestand why people who want a job with face to face contact with costumers couldn't wear one of this.
    So, how I said before, I couldn't agree with you, Laia.
