18 ene 2013

Lance Armstrong admits doping


59 comentarios:

  1. Lance Amstrog was an hero, a cycling image in all the world, but now is the most traitor, a liar. Lance admits doping in all his 7 tour de Frace victories, it is disappointig. It is amazing what people do, only for becoming famous, only for won.

  2. In my opinion, Lance Amstrong shouldn't be considered a sport idol because his behavior hasn't been apropiated for such a sport star. In sport competitions, doping should be a very serious problem and there should be measures taken to people who gets doped to win. I think, a new machine should be created in order to catch all of those liers that want to win with some drugs on. Amstrong has disapointed all of us, but we need to keep going with the NO-DOPING cause.

  3. After reading the article of "The Guardian" I think Lance Amstrong is the kind of person who prefers being popular to being satisfied with himself. I mean he would be happier hearing other people saying things like "oh, he's amazing!" or "there's no doubt he's the best cyclist ever" than saying to himself "I'm great". In fact, he can't say it and probably he won't know how good at cycling he is. This way it's impossible to enjoy doing sport. How would he feel if a little boy who admired him told him he's looking forward to growing up to be like him?

  4. Before reading the article, I had heard things about Amstrong but really I didn't know that he had done. Now I can judge.
    In my view I think that win of this form personally is not significant because you know that what you have done It isn't correct. Also If I were him, I feel bad as I know that I've done is wrong. At any rate the measures that have taken I think that are correct because he not deserves the awards.

    The athletes should be aware that If they dope, the merit will not the same If they are discovered.

  5. I'm very disappointed of this, I were always admiring him, and when I saw the interview with Ophra I couldn't to believe what I were hearing. I were thinking that he said yes to all to finish with all the controversy. He WAS an icon for so much people, for me too, but he's not.
    On the one hand I desire that this wouldn't happened, but by the other hand, I it's dishonest what he made, and for professional people who are out of doping.
    I'm thinking that the only thing that he have done right, it's to create a foundation to fight cancer, and donating money for a good reason.
    Bye Bye Lance...

  6. I find it amazing as Lance Armstrong before having the interview with Opra denied having doped.He also got angry with those people who were investigating his case, as he had firmly said that he would never cheat. But the news presenter believes that Lance Armstrong is a real lier as he now wants to accept his doping, after denying it. The presenter's opinion is that Lance is going to tell the troth and accept it on TV as he can then cry in front thousands of people so that they then feel sorry for him. In my opinion if I won anything cheating I woudn't feel well with myself, so I can't belive this man cheating all these years hasn't had remorse. To conclude Lance Armstrong should be ashamed of being who he is and all he has done.

  7. I'd never stopped to think about Lance Armstrong, buy now after read the articles, I asked me: Why nobody had suspected anything before? It's obvious that no one can ride a bike during 100 km every day without stop to take a rest or sleep during all day to recuperate. More cyclists can't finish the tour. Really was credible that Lance Armstrong, after overcoming cancer, could win seven Tours of France without any kind of help? He should be a machine or a demigod! However, the saddest is that he upheld which he hadn't doping himself.Armstrong has disappointed those who had believed in him and they had defended him strongly and loyally.

  8. My opinion after reading a few articles on this subject is that worth if you don't take these drugs you can't win. But, has anyone stopped to think that if nobody takes these drugs win would be easier? Because if those who take the substances are who win, if they don't take them, others would be able to legally win without cheating.
    So, like Arianne has said, Armstrong has dissapoited all of us. We have to say NO TO DRUGS IN SPORT (well no to drugs in any case).

  9. After reading The Guardian's article, I believe that he knew what he was doing and that he was unfair with the other competitors. I think that he's only trying to seem sorry about what he's done, because he wants us to forgive him, but I think that he must be punished, because even if he is a sport icon or not, if we let him free of all charges, then everybody will start to cheat because they will see they won't be punished, so I think he deserves an exemplary punishment to prevent other sportsman may follow his example.
    In addition, I think that we have to take this as an example, his ambition blinded him and he started to dope, in order to win.

  10. I like watching "Tour de France", I think cycling is a really beautiful sport that shows human resistance. Lance was a great cycler, he became famous, but finally the truth has been revealed. In my opinion what Lance Amstrong did was wrong, but he's not the only one who takes drugs. In fact, all cyclers take chemicals that helps them to improve their body strength and other capacities, the problem is that there are legal drugs and illegal drugs, and Amstrong took illegal ones. It's incredible how they had all controlled in order not to be caught, it should be more regulated. To sum up, I like cyclers like Contador, Valverde and Purito, but my favourite will allways be Oscar Freire, the best spanish cycler in Amstrong times.

  11. I've read some articles and videos related to the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong, and I really think that he should never have used permormance-enhancing drugs and have lied the whole world. It's true that many other athletes use this kind of drugs too, but Armstrong was special: he battled cancer and he was the precursor of a cancer charity called Livestrong (surely we have all seen those yellow bracelets). He was admired by many people, and now he has betrayed them all. I completely agree with those who are disappointed but, in my view, we should also consider the fact that he admitted he was wrong, which could be the first step towards a new beginning.

  12. When I heared for first time that Lance Amstrong has been taking drougs, I couldn't belive it. Lance Amstrong dopping? It was imposible for me, I would never imagine something like this. As other childrens, I admire him, his perceverance his strenght, and his achievements and in one moment, all of this become a farytale, a big lie. I couldn't belive it.
    After periode of time, ride some articles, whatcing a few videos,I was upset to, but I reflect about it. When Lance Amstrong start profesional cycling, he was so young, and the sportive world are so competitive. I think that the coach and,aboveall, the media, watch on him a future icon, a future idol with how he could made a lot of popularity , lot of money, and they presione Lance to take dorugs in order to win. When you are young, you are very convencing by the other people, and if they offered you succes and money, more.
    I think that, if Amstrong admite that he took drougs, is because he has pans of remoce, so he isn't so bat person, no?
    I hope that if he would be more older, more concient and in another ambent, he wouldn't did it.

  13. About this, I'm not surprised. There are a cyclism generation who use dopping substances for defeat and win the competicions. Amstrong admit this. I'm dissapointed about this with the subject of Alberto Contador because I like more him. I not believe that he did traps. However, about all this issue, I'm absolutely contrary and I think that Amstrong deserves that the cyclism have taken his Tours. He's a lying and a cheating.

  14. DOPING NO! I think that doping means bringing the body to limits that can't reach, we're playing with our health. And worse is to win championships and medals, as did Lance Armstrong; but now must return all prizes and money earned. According to Lance Armstrong, what hurt him most was that it has realized that he has betrayed those who loved him, as his son who defended him all time and who now had to acknowledge. That is, besides playing with their health and cheating has also deceived, cheated and failed to yours. Yes the sport, not doping. Play fair!

  15. I am amazed at the coldness with which he answered the questions of journalist Oprah; and for other hand Armstrong has deceived everyone and even himself. Armstrong helped a charity against cancer and they are now disappointed. The worst thing is that both the government have him millions of dollars, would be the most fair retrieve and Armstrong has been slow to recognize his lies and he should go to jail a few long years.

  16. After reading some articles, I think doping is too usual in sports, but every day there are more cases. According to that, I think tests results for detecting doping are worse than it is needed. That case show us that it is needed to improve the detection of that substances.

  17. I've read the articles, and I think that Armstrong shouldn't have done this. It's inmoral, because when you cheat, you're not doing a fair play, and you are lying to your fans, to the others players, and to you. He was admired by a lot of people, and now they want put him into the prison. He don't deserves any merit, because Armstrong didn't win the awards, drugs did it.
    He knew what he was doing, of course, but wasn't right. There are a lot of people who take drugs for be famous, but they should take fame doing fair acts.

  18. After watching and reading some information about Lance Amstrong,I think that dopping is present in a lot of sports. Lance Amstrong is only a case discovered but there are, in my opinion, too many athletes using this substances.Also this attitude affects all the people who watch sports,mostly to youngest people. I agree to penalize this facts because is unfair and a swindle to all viewers. Lance deserves a great punishment for all his decisions in the past.

  19. Lance Amstrong has been a referent in the sports world for a long time, not only for his results as a profesional cyclist but also for his social labour as a fundator of the Livestrong foundation after beating a cancer. His career has been a superation history that has become a role model to lots of people. Now, this heroical image that he had is gone. What image is he giving to all of these people who idolize him as the man who beated cancer and won a Tour of France? Now, everything is a lie. The damage is not only in the cycling world but also in our society, and that's something that Lance, as a media star that he is, should have thought before consuming drugs for winning all these competitions.

  20. After watching the video and reading some articles,I'm more informed on this topic.So from my point of view I think that the witness of Lance Amstrong is Just one of thousands cases of athletes who is dopping to have more resistance and consequently win. So I think that athletes are doing this to be famous and popular because if they were really athletes,they wouldn't do it because they wolud respect the sport that they practice.

  21. After reading some articles about Lance Amstrong, in my view, I think that in the world there are many athletes who use dopping substances to have better results in comeptitions. Lance Amstrong has been a cyclist adimired by many people because he has won seven titles of Tour de France, but also he has been a referent because he created the Livestrong foundation after being a cancer. For this reason I think that he should be punished because athletes are an example for the young people and not so young who like sports.

  22. I have read some articles about the interview to Amstrong and I think that there are more people like him. In my opinion, he has had more problems than others because he had won 7 tour of France. In these type of sport I think that it is common to doping because cyclist only think in win and not to be an example to young people. These athletes take some sustances which are banned such as EPO... I think that people who has done this have to be expelled of that sport. For this reason, associations would promote "fair play".

  23. All against doping! After reading some of the articles on Lance Armstrong's confession of having used performance-enhancing drugs, it doesn't surprise me. In the world of sports lately athletes use all kinds of doping substances for the body to withstand more physical activity and to get good results. From my point of view, I think that doping should be banned, because athletes are playing with their health. They are dirtying the name of fair play in this sense. In conclusion, I am against doping, and I think there are good methods to ban it.

  24. Commonly, doping is considered to be an unfair act, although there's people who think it's a way to surpass oneself and to break records above everything in sport. In my opinion, if you're doping, you're cheating yourself and the others. Lance Armstrong became very famous and had lots of fans who believe in him. It was nearly impossible to have faith of his triumphs and now people realize it is. What he has done it's not legal, so he must be punished. He was an example to other athletes but now they should take as an example which are the consequences of this type of acts. In fact, I'm sure there are lots of athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs. Therefore, I think they must think over it and try to play fairly, without any type of drugs.

  25. The world of doping is a very delicate and complex topic. After learning the scandal of Lance Armstrong this issue is even more followed . For a long time this practice has been a taboo subject but unfortunately is increasingly common in the world of sports, not just cycling. I think people who use these means to win, are so ambitious that they do not care to do everything we can to get a win. From my point of view, I think there are many more cases of doping that haven't come to light, but over time they will. Even so people are very smart and always will find ways to circumvent doping controls, as stated by former Spanish cyclist Jesus Manzano that it says that there are several very ingenious methods to give drug tests negative. All the sports world should be strengthened further with this issue and confront it once and for all.

  26. First of all, I can't understand how he could have been lying during so many years, I can't. Lance Armstrong has demonstrated what kind of person he is. He must be selfish and a bad person if he has lied whoever. In my opinion, he doesn't really love sport or cycling because I think that who really loves sport, plays with his/her natural abilities and doesn't cheat nobody. In addition, his case shows what is sport nowadays. We have been surprised by him but I know that there are lots of cases more which we haven't known yet. Because of his fault, sports responsible will increase dopping tests between athletes and I hope that they prove all cases which exist. To sum up, I neither understand why nobody could have demonstrated before that Lance Armstrong was cheating everybody. I'm absolutely opposed to this kind of drugs.

  27. In spite of I knew that Armstrong doping, i don't wanted to accept it. I admire Armstrong since long time ago because after having a cancer, he continued with his life and with the cycling and around the world it was a spectacular fact. He got something which is very dificult: confidence for those people who have cancer and want to get over this illness. For that reason I'm very disappointed with him, but equally I continue admire him for all his achievements even though I am against with doping.

  28. After reading the article of "The Guardian" Armstrong is thought to be the kind of person who prefers being popular than being satisfied with himself and with his own merits. It's incredible Armstrong takes drugs to be more resistant in cycling. Now is the time for truth!. There are many cases of this and it's not just. Players who don't takes this kind of drugs are racing with others who do it and maybe these are considered as heroes.
    I'm against to doping because it's foul play and Armstrong should have thought before to doping himself because he was betraying people and himself. Furthermore, in the long run, it can be a serious health problem.

  29. I think Lance Armstrong should not be recognized as an idol of cycling. But both Lance Armstrong and other athletes who use drugs in order to win a title. This item is no longer innovative, start dating because many athletes are doping-related topic. These athletes have to remove them all sporting merit. Because there are others who are struggling to get a title without drugs.

  30. I think that Lance Amstrong should still be considered an incredible athlete. Because although other athletes take drugs for doping, maybe no one could win what Lance have won. Lance Amstrong doesn’t have all the merit he had by win without doping, but he has the merit of do something that no one has still done ever. Besides this, Lance have given lot of money to the charity so I think it wasn’t so bad he was doping.

  31. I think that Lance Amstrong was an incredible cyclist, Lance Amstrong has ben a hero inside the cyclist wrorld, has been a reference in that world. When he admited that he had taken banned substances to improve his perfomance he lost all what he had gotten but we have to think that he was in a very competitive world like the cyclist world it's a world that move a lot of money and you've a lot of presion but it isn't enoguh to take banned substances if you're a real athlete you know that you've to give it all to wine but doing it in a legal way.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Armstrong had always been considered the greatest cyclist in history, but now in my opinion, is the biggest traitor who has been in international sport. I believe that Armstrong has disappointed many fans and especially his family. It's a shame that instantly punish cases like Alberto Contador and now, after years amstrong case comes to light. I had always sensed that Armstrong cheated because it is almost impossible to win seven Tours de France without any help.

  33. In my opinion Lance Amstrong should still be an idol for all this people who we was an idol before. He probably disappointed a lot of fans he had but I think it still have a lot of merit because we are always seeing that at the sport of cyclism, and thats my opinion, 95% or cyclist take drugs for improve their performance and I think he won the seven tours vs rivals who were at the same conditions. Finally, aswell he did a very good job for help people ith cancer with his fundation livestrong, and he still being a very good athlete in my view.

  34. In my view Lance Armstrong is the kind of people who prefers money against honesty, he must be banned of all the things that make him earn money. One thing that make me think about the interview is that some people said that Armstrong had received money for saying that he used drugs for winning the tours.

  35. Lance Amstrong was an american idol. Because of him many american people became fans of cycling, a sport dominated by european people. That increase of fans beneficited the International Cycling Union, enough to hide the doping controls of Amstrong. That's my opinion.

  36. Doping is very usual in sports, a lot of athlets use it to get better scores. In my opinion, they shoudn't do that, they're lying themselves, they think that they can reach something but they can't without doping.
    Personally, I'm not very into sports so I didn't know that Lance Amstrong was doping, but at least he confesed that and, in my opinion, that's the best thing he could do.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. i'm not very interested in the world of cycling but when i saw this news on tv i felt very surprised, because this persona have a lot of fans that he disappoint because all his victories are a lie, they lie all of us and himself. Moreover, with doping he doesn't win anything because he only damage his body and his mind, and with all that he pnly get in return a prize and bad reputation. I think that doping is a bad thing and we have to do something to stop it.

  39. It's not necessary to say how much has this new impacted all around the world, but it's a reality. Lance Armstrong has really disappointed the sport's world for winning 7 Tours of France while he was doping. Despite he has had the courage of confessing that, something that's not easy, I think it has been a great surprise because he was like an american idol, admired by a lot of people and he has millions of fans worldwide because nobody has won what he has achieved. But now all that has changed. A lot of people could have done what he's done, only for reaching their dream, but sooner or later the doping controls had to discover him, and now he would have to assume the consequences of his actions, although it's a pity for all the fans that wanted to be like him during so many years...

  40. Lance Amstrong is a fraud. This is the only word that can define him. This hypocrite man must be imputed for his offence. We have been given to believe that he is an hero and he only is a fail. I think that a generation should be disappointed and he must pay for it. No matter how hard he apologise, he never may be restore the feeling of his disappointed fans.

  41. Lance Armstrong, who was an American idol, prefers win money than win honestly. In my point of view, even though I don't follow cycling, I think that this a man should be punished because athletes are an example for the young people. Moreover, doping is considered to be an unfair act and this man won seven tour of France cheating.

  42. Lance amstrong will always be a heroe for me altough he lied to all the world. I think that there a more cylcists who take drugs, and none of them could achive what Lance did.I would done the same what he did,win a lot ot money and give some of that money to the charity. He had his glory days, now everbody hates him, but who will remember him in 10 years?

  43. Since the moment I heard this new, I've thought that Lance Amstrong deserves all the problems he's having now. He was a real hero for many people, who were amazed every time he won a tour, while Amstrong was lying and making fun of them. In addition, this is an insult for other cyclists, who have been participating without taking performance-enhacing drugs and have never been rewarded, because lyiers such as Amstrong have taken all the praises.

  44. Nowadays the doping seems that it has become fashionable, or at least we have found out now. Lance Amstrong is a cyclist who does little he was a hero for many persons. Now simply the only thing that it has obtained has been an anger on the part of his admirers, since they feel cheated. In my opinion, I believe that there are cyclists who do not dare to confess his doping sew that it is furthermore shameful. On the other hand, also there are cyclists that there is no the fallen one in this mistake which sews they have a bit more of merit for them.
    But in the end, I believe that we the admirers will never manage to know all the real truth, neither of Lance Amstrong nor of other important sportsmen.

  45. I think that Lance Armstrong is a person who only wants to win a lot of money. When he wins the 7 tours of France all the people thinks that he was the greatest cyclist in the world and his family loves her and supported him throughout, specially his child. For that reasons I think that Lance Armstrong at the moment at he felt the support of all these people should have been honest from what and forget the money that he could gain by lying.

  46. I can't believe what Lance Armstrong's say in the interview of theguardian's newspaper, i'm so incensed. While he was winning awards using doping we were thinking that he was one of the best cyclist we had seen. However, in spite of winning 7 tour of france, Armstrong isn't a sportsman, he is a traitor, a liar. I can't believe that people like him yet. Now I hate him, I think that he isn't an example to follow already, now he's an example to not follow. I really think that Lance Armstrong should depart from the world of cycling and stop going to interviews, is a dishonor for people who try to be the best in some sport without using doping or other substances.

  47. In my view Lance Amstrong is a cheater. He doped himself in order to win 7 tours of France and I think he did it because he thought that he couldn't win it without doping.
    The new impacted too many people around the world who inmediately were disappointed.
    Lance Amstrong don't feel bad for cheating and that is what most impacted me. How is it possible?

  48. In my opinion after reading some articles of Lance Armstrong I think he has been living a lie and all of his fans as well.
    I ask my why he doped? On one hand I think that he could win without drugs but maybe he thought that he couldn’t, as well as, this athletes have allot of pressure. But this not excuses him because he was an idol and example for many young people. On the other hand I don’t know how much he has been supporting this lie during his live.
    In conclusion I think that he has done the right for confessing and we must finish with doping in sports.

  49. Lance Armstrong has proven not only to be a liar but to be disrespectful, because knowing that all the rumors were true about the drug consumption, he denied it in a defiant way.

    This is just another example of the consequences resulting from the fame. In my opinion not many people handle the fame properly, for most of the people fame is too hard to deal with and makes them to behave in a wrong way, so and at the end they lose it all, as it happened to Lance Armstrong, who has lost his follower’s confidence and everything.
    Unfortunately due, there are some people who plays dirty, the people who plays clean are under suspicion by people disappointed, which is unfear for the gamers who respect the rules.

  50. Lance Amstrong has been a great hero for all but now many people hate it. I think that it towards for the money and to win, not to be satisfied with his results and this is not just for all the other cyclists who competed these seven tour of France without be doping. Sooner or later this lie would have revealed and now it will have his consequences.

  51. Before reading this interview, I always had a great image of Armstrong, was a great athlete who had achieved great prizes thanks to their effort and dedication, but it was all a big lie and after this interview where recognizes doping, has caused a big disappointment and feeling of deception in all followers of cycling.

  52. I always thought that he was a champion, not only to overcome a cancer but also because he won seven Tour de France, but when they discovered that he has been dopping during some Tours disappointed all his fans. I think that he has been lived a lie and make believe to his fans that he was very good. He only wants to be the best.

  53. In my opinion, what he has done is a disgrace to the sport. He was considered a hero, but now everybody knows that he is a big liar. I think that he did it because he wanted to be admired and respected by everybody, but what has happened is the opposite, now a lot of people hate him.
    If I were him I'd feel very bad because he was cheating not only his fans, but also himself, it wasn't a real victory.

  54. After view and read some news about Lance Armstrong, I think that Armstrong was a loved cyclist and with a lot of support of his fans.
    When he won the 7 tours of France, he was considered the best cyclist in the world, but when he admited in Oprah's interview that he had doped in his 7 tours, he dissapointed a lot of people because all is a lie. I think that Amstrong was a good example of battle an illness, but now he is a big liar.

  55. When I saw this new on TV I thouth that Lance was wrong. All the things that are happening to him are diserved. Amstrong were a idol for lot of people and now with this case of doping have defrauded them. In spite of this Lance won lot of awards, an insult to other cylcists that participated in the competitions without taking this type of drugs and they never could win.

  56. In my opinion Amstrong shouldn't have been caught, because he was an inspiration to milions of people around the world for surviving cancer and then wining seven tour the France. He was different compared to other athletes because people know what he has been trhough because there has been many with that illnes and he could have inspired many people to keep on fighting to survive.

  57. From my point of view, I think that Lance Amstrong is the perfect exemple of athletes without moral values. Many athletes doped themselves to win easily and get more prestige and money. I belive that it can't never be justificated althought his sport is one of the most sufered sport. In this case, Amstrong has won seven French Tours, but in my opinion, without merit, because he has won all this courses cheating. It's admirable when people get to live practising their hobbie, their sport, but not if they get it taking drugs, it's the worst thing they can do.
    In conclusion, this fact is a deception not only for himself, also for his collegues and fans.
