17 ene 2013

euronews reporter : Catalonia rises on a wave of independence

VIDEO WITH SCRIPT: Euronews reporter : Catalonia rises on a wave of independence

"I am part of Catalan culture, and it is very important to me."
"We have a very open way of seeing the world. For many years  Catalan culture was undermined, I feel that if we do not fight for it, that will happen again, we will lose our way of seeing the world."

This evening rehearsal has a special emphasis. The group will take part in a concert the next day promoting independence for Catalonia.

It's a theme that brought a million and a half people on to the streets of Barcelona, the capital of the autonomous region of Spain, during the Diada, the National Day of Catalonia last September.

Initiatives are springing up everywhere in the separatist region. The village of Sant Pere de Torello, became famous by declaring itself an independent Catalan territory. The pediment of the town hall has for a year and a half been flying the Catalan independence flag, but not the Spanish one.

"Currently, there are 180 town halls that have the flag of independence flying permanently from their balconies,". Separatists decry the state system of fiscal redistribution, including public spending in Catalonia which is well below the taxes they pay.

"We live in a state of national emergency, with an unemployment rate of 22.5 percent of the population here. Catalonia pays 16 billion euros annually to the state, which does not amount to any form of services or investment in Catalonia. We have to have this showdown with the Spanish government," 
Catalonia is among the richest regions in Spain, and it pays the equivalent of eight percent of GDP to the state. It is also one of the most indebted. Failure to negotiate an agreement with the Spanish government to give Catalonia fiscal sovereignty, has led the president of the Regional Government, Artur Mas, to call for early elections and a referendum on independence.

That would require reform of the Spanish Constitution, which does not permit independence, and of course steps to obtain international recognition.

"If Catalonia gets independence, it will be a state outside the European Union, and will have to apply for entry into the EU. To gain admission, provided that no member state objects, will require a very long process," 

Economist Oriol Amat believes it is a theoretical question.
"I can't imagine that the EU wants to keep out a state that brings money into the European Union and is very pro European Union and in which the EU has invested heavily in the past."
It's a question which not least concerns some Catalan businesses who fear the effect of a possible exit from the euro, and especially a deterioration in trade relations with Spain.
Some large companies have threatened to move their headquarters from Barcelona, if there was independence. None of those euronews contacted agreed to talk. Only this small publisher opened the door to us. , "About 80 percent of the billing and the company's sales are in the rest of Spain. We would at least in the short term lose all those customers, and that would very quickly force the business to close. Trading outside Spain, and the European Union, our products would be taxed. Moreover, our customers tell us that if Catalonia became independent, they would look for other suppliers, in their own country."

This family business is not concerned about economic nationalism. The company is riding on the wave of independence. Its, "signature" product is the Catalan flag of independence.
"We have seen a fairly strong increase in sales. Every year, we produce large stocks, but this year was a record. There are people who were queuing outside the company to buy the independence flag," .
Beyond the niche markets, will the Catalan, "label" be able to cope with the political uncertainties which generate the debate on independence?

Tourism, a pillar of the Catalan economy, fears neither boycott nor the loss of capital.
“For the first few months of the year, the figures are satisfactory with an increase in tourists from abroad of 11.4% and especially an increase in spending by visitors. Regarding foreign investment, the director general for tourism has several projects on the way. None of the investors expressed concerns or indicated that political issues could slow or paralyze these projects, ‘cause you know, business is business. 

The attraction of Catalonia to foreign investors should it become independent, raises questions. But speculation focusses primarily on the impact of  a likely boycott by sections of the Spanish market , which buys half of all the products which are sold outside the Catalonia region.
The question is whether this region of 7 and half million people can be viable among the 20 most competitive countries in the world. There are 14 that have less than 7 million.

If employers believe that Catalonia needs to amend the tax system detrimental to the region’s competitiveness, opinions differ on the question of independence, the likelihood in terms of which are still unclear. The priority is elsewhere, insists the Chief Economist of Catalonia’s federation of employers. With or without independence, we will continue to have problems of funding and increased the tax burden and it’s that which we will focus and that’s where we want to see our politicians help our country out of the crisis.

 It is a crisis that if Catalonia did go at alone would create a hangover, admits this small producer of wine and cava, the Catalan champagne. He will not suffer and believes the wine growing sector will avoid a boycott  as the company sells its products in Catalonia and outside Spain. He is confident about the ability of Catalan to rebound if indeed it gains independence. If Catalonia is separated from Spain, it would be a challenge. If it goes well, we can go forward and if there are problems and things go wrong, we can no longer blame Madrid because we will have caused the problems. To look over the bad times, I recommend a small glass of cava. That always works, it always helps to see life in a philosophical and joyful way and surely we will then get out of this problematic situation. The ongoing wrangle between Madrid and Barcelona raises questions and debate beyond the borders of Spain. To the backing of the crisis, the wind of separatism is blowing through Europe, from Catalonia to Scotland through Belgium questioning the future of European integration.

From a European perspective, I think it would be harmful. Catalonia would be an example for other national minorities and other countries to imitate and there would be a fragmentation in the European Union which is already fragmented. 

36 comentarios:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ussCHoQttyQ

    I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

  2. I do agree with the producer of wine and cava when he sais that If it went well, they could go forward and if there were problems and things went wrong, they couldn't blame Madrid, because the problems would have been caused by Catalunya. But I really don't care about these sort of things. At this moment the Catalunya independence isn't important to me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't agree. The catalonia independence is madness, they're hypocrites. The main problem is the confusion between the independence and the crisis. I'm completly sure that the 50% of the of the people who wants independence only think about getting out of the crisis. what they don't know is that when they will get the independence, their dream, they will become bankrupt because they will get out of the EU. They will lose financial resources because the big companies will go out because of the poor sales. Their motto are ''With the time we will move on ahead'' but that they don't know are they will bankrupt. Good Luck and see you later dreamers!

  5. As a menorquin inhabitant, independence in Catalonia is a theme that don't really concerns me. As it is a polemical theme, I prefer adopting a neutral attitude against this in order to avoid any kind of problem. Spanish government and catalan government have both reasons to deffense their position. One one hand, the spanish government says that it is not time to start a politic and financial rupture due to the economic recission. On the other hand, catalans are sick of paying taxes which they can not use later. Both arguments are strong enough and an agreement is difficult to be reached in my opinion.
    What I can't stand is how some radical catalanists are treating to Illes Balears and Comunitat Valenciana, trying to make us take part of a cultural, social and political unity which they call "Països Catalans". They don't want spanish people to make them feel spanish, but they are constantly trying to make us feel catalan, without worrying about our opinion (which, on a high degree, is rejective to this proposal). This is hipocrisy, isn't it?

  6. To begin with, I have to say I'm not interested neither in politics nor in economy at all, so Catalonia independence is something that bores me a lot. In fact, I'd say I detest these kind of topics. However, I'll try to give my opinion, even though it may lack good arguments. To my mind, the Spanish economical crisis is the main cause (or the real cause, maybe)of independence behaviour. It's true that many separatists say they rebel against Spain because of certain historical facts related to their own culture or language, but doesn't it seem that the more the crisis worsens, the more the separatists claim their rights? Anyway, if we let them become independent and things go wrong, who will they blame? Now, it's quite easy to put the blame on Madrid. Personally, I don't care whether they become independent or not.

  7. I don't like the idea of an independent Catalonia, but if this is what they want just let them do it. In fact, i'm looking forward to see how they make independent, but only in order to see that they fall in bankrupt and we will laugh at them. Some economics figures may be true about the growing of Catalonia if the became independent, but they have a big problem called speculation. You can't control it, it's able to make you spend really difficult situations and playing with it it's like playing poker, you are able to play your cards, but you can't know which cards will be given to you in the next round. In conclusion, I wish bad luck to independent people, like Andreu's says, they're only dreamers, that until they don't realized the big fail they're committing they won't stop claiming for their stupids historical feelings.

  8. Although I'm not interested in this topic and I hate politics (and for this reason I'm not very informed about Catalonia independence), I'm against this idea. I can't imagine myself next year having to leave my country just to go to Barcelona to study, with maybe different laws and a different organization. Moreover, I think that if Catalonian separatists reach their aim, it will have repercussions in other regions of Spain, like País Vasco, which has also been fighting for the independence. This is my point of view but, like I've said, I don't know very much about it, so perhaps if I was more into this topic, my opinion would be different or I would be able to defend my position with more elaborated arguments.

  9. I've been reading the comments, and I just see the same opinion. Put yourself in the skin of a catalan. Would you like to someone steal your money? That's what Madrid is doing, and Catalonia doesn't want it, of course. I know that if Catalonia gets the independence, will be hard years for catalans and for spanish people, but I think that Catalonia would restructure his economic sistem and would increase his GDP faster than the rest of Spain. To sum up, I don't agree with what's doing Madrid with Catalonia.

  10. As many people here, Catalonia Independence isn't my fight. Althought it interests me, I'm not very informed about it. In my point of view catalonia's independence is a term which politicians have used only to distract people from more serious problems. There is nothing wrong with hope to live in a new country, but it's really so important? I don't think so.

  11. As some of the people who have already written, I'm not very interested in this kind of topics. Nevertheless, I think that Catalonia shouldn't become independent. Although they say that they see the world in a different way, in my view, getting independence would generate some problems: for example, maybe they will have to leave EU. Furthermore, if it happened, it could encourage other regions to be independent too. In my opinion, Catalonia (like all the other Spanish regions) should be more concerned about finding solutions to solve the crisis instead of thinking about independence.

  12. Nowadays, all the televsions and all the newspapers are full off information about catalonia's independence, and this become anoying.
    On the one hand, I think that this isn't the moment for talk about this topic, because spain have enough problmes, but, on the other hand, I think that Catalonia should be independent. Catalonia, althought it was living with Spain all of his history, it was always a little bit different than Spain. It was the first of invest in industry, it economy was different of Spain, and it had a different way of seeing the world. Moreover, it shows his interest of beeing independent since 1640.
    To sum up, in my opinion, Catalonia should be independent but not at this moment. First, we have another problems more worrying.

  13. I'm not very interested in politics, so I don't know much about it but I think that nowadays this is a problem that the crisis has increased. In my point of view, I think that Catalonia shouldn't be independent, at least not now because no is the moment, Spain have enough problems. On the other hand I think is better that Spain continue being a joined country, because other community, like the País Vasco, would like to be independent too. To conclude, they have the law to demand the Catalonia independence although it seems to me that isn't a good idea.

  14. I think that if Catalonia was independent, they and Spain will lose too much, because Spain's economy will decrease as much as Catalonia's. Moreover, other countries of Spain will do like Catalonia, and if it happens, what will happen to Spain?

  15. In my opinion it is time for breaks, but if it is time to move forward because Spain is immersed in a crisis where everyone should work and should not be selfish by others. On the other hand, worry more about the corruption that is in this country.

  16. I agree with the independence of Catalonia. This has been shown for centuries that can survive alone. It is true that business with the rest of Spain are favourable, however this doesn't live by them, but by their own media and tourism. Catalonia has proven its worth since as long as there have been crises in the peninsula, this has been dragged into it.
    If the government doesn't let him independent, they will have their reasons. However, if they really want them to stop taking the streets with shouts and banners ... Why not give them independence? Then they can see for themselves if they work separately or together they were better.

  17. I don't know a lot of the catalonia independence, but I think that catalonia have their reasons to do this as for example, because the spanish people don't respect their culture, and because they are paying many taxes and they get nothing at return. Though, at the same time i think that if catalonia becomes independent, they will run from their problems instead of solving it.

  18. I don't know much about this debate therefore, I don't know the consequences if Catalonia will become independent really. I respect the difference arguments about these debate. As a resident of Spain, I think that in these moment, Catalonia shouldn't be selfish. In Spain there are around 22.5 percent of unemployed. This is a serious problem nowadays. "There is strength in numbers" and not if we are asunder.

  19. I think the independence of Catalonia is a big lie that has been growing over time. Such people are devoted to asking insistently the independence but simultaneously claim much money to Madrid government . I think that they can't come out ahead because it will generate a lot of loss of money and many social problems among other problems. I am totally against the independence movement, especially since I heard a speech in the "Congreso de los diputados" of the actor Toni Cantó that dismouting the big lie called independence.

  20. Really I'm not interested about this because I don't like the policy and economy therefore I don't know almost nothing of the Catalan Independence. Nonetheless while I was reading the article I was thinking that truly it's difficult that this pass because there are many factors that are against, as well as, the issue of the constitution. Also I have considered that would be strange that, for instance, the next year I will go to study in other country. Personally, after reading the article I think that it would be better than the independence not carried out.

  21. In my view Catalonia independence is not a longer avaliable question, because we are in 20 century and independence is a last century thing, but if they arrive to get it, I only want to clear some things. Firstly I.Baleares and the rest of communities with catalonian language influences aren't part of Catalonian community and they will not be part of the independence. Secondly, the Catalonian economy is succesfully thanks to the spanish politic of the past. Who can say that in the future the other communities will not be succesful and Catalonia not?

  22. Nowadays I have little information on the independence of Catalonia but in my point of view I think we live in a world that seeks its union among the various communities and cultures, where we are all citizens of the world and where we are all brothers; and I don’t understand those people who seek separation. What they should do is fix the problems that exist between them to live in peace. Finally, I think there are many wars in this world as to create news.

  23. I'm not very informed about this because it not interest me. I know that if catalonia gets the independence, this will affect me, but i'm neutral about the independence. I think that Catalonia has the right to be independent, but in the other hand i think that is a bad moment for propose it (Bacause now a days spain is in crisis) and if catalonia get the independence other communities like Pais Basc or Galicia will want the independence. To conlcude, i will like to say that Menorca not belongs to Catalunya.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. To begin, I want to say that i don't know a lot about this topic. I think that the independence which Catalonia is searching will never happen; or if this happen, it will cause many problems to the Catalans. So, to conclude, I think (or I believe) that the independence won't occur because there can only be one Spain, the Spain that can count with Catalonia and its citizens. (I don't want anyone to get mad with me, so I want to say again that this is only my point of view).

  26. I live in Menorca and my feelings are menorquins and spaniards (even though I consider me more menorquin). Nevertheless, I agree with Catalonia independence for many reasons. Leaving political things and ideologies, I'm a liberty defender, I think that the liberty of one country, of one group of people, it's the most important thing that there are in the world. In addition, I'm a ''historian'' (or I will be able to) and I knonw the history of Catalonia. I know his past and his identity which a nation. Besides, I have many catalan friends (or people who's not catalan but they're independence) someone of which are very important for me as a best friends. I don't know the economic consequences of the independence, but the separation of Spain is more of that, it isn't a economic problem. People who thinks that are very wrong. I repeat, I've no feelings one way or the other, but I'll agree with de decision of the catalan nation whatever be. I'll be in favour with my friends. Ah! and Menorca is not Catalonia ;)

  27. I don't know much about Catalonia independence because I'm not very interested in politics. However, nowadays this topic appears in televisions, radios, newspapers...of many countries. In my view, I think that Spain has more importan problems than these, but I also think that the identity of a country or comunity is very important so that catalans must defent it they want, the Catalonia independence. In conclusion, I'm not in favour or against with Catalonia independence.

  28. First of all, I don't lose any sleep over this topic and, also, I'm not very informed about it. Nevertheless, I could say a few things. I can understand catalan feelings and their patrotism, but I think that is not the moment to become independent, overcoat, the economic crisis in Spain (although some catalans say that they aren't spaniards). On the other hand, I also know that Catalonia pays lots of more taxes than other regions in Spain, and then, they don't recieve anything. Consquently, in my view, it's time to solve this problem but not only from Catalonia (from Andalucia and others too!).
    About this topic, I also know that if Catalonia becomes independent, it will have to disappear from the EU and they won't be able to use the euro. In addittion, they won't solve the economic situation becoming idependent. So, I can't imagine Catalonia as another country.
    To conclude, as Jordi Saura has said, Menorca is not Catalonia. I say this because I know catalan people who asked me if I went to vote to the last catalan elections. This have shocked me a lot...

  29. I don't agree with the reasons that some of the Catalonian people give for becoming independent because they only want to be richer. I think that they should first consider the repercussions in the rest of Spain,Europe and themselves. Also, not all the Catalonian people want to be independent. Furthermore, I agree with my class mates that Menorca won't become independent with Catalonia.
    To conclude, Catalonia is,has always been and should always be part of Spain.

  30. After reading some articles and hearing different opinions, in my view, Catalonia is part of Spain and it can't be independent. I don't really think that they will get independence at least not for a few years. In my opinion, it would be a failure for the Spanish government to allow the independence of Catalonia, because it would mean that they are breaking the law.

  31. I thinks which the independence of Catalonia will be the worst thing that will be happen for this province. It's true which Catalonia have an important sales and it's the reason why are the richest province of Spain, but if Catalonia sales a lot it's because European Union buy it. If Catalonia will be independece, their products won't be sales on European Union because it's Spain the country who is on this european market. If Catalonia it's not a member of European Union, European Union won't buy their products and Catalonia will be in crisis. To form part of European Union, Catalonia must comply a lot of requirements. To demolish this problem Catalonia must have a lot of money, money that they will not have if are independent.

  32. I think that Catalonia shouldn't be a independent country for many reasons. Firstly, the level of life of the catalans would go down because the leave of multinational companies of Catalonia. In second place, the actual policies go in other direction: economical and political unifications of countries (like UE). And finally, Catalonia won't enter in UE, because the leaders said that is imposible. Perhaps catalan politicians say that independence is possible and Catalonia would be better away from Spain, but they say that because their ambition of power.

  33. In my opinion, Catalonia will be independent but not now but in 10 years at least. Now this idea would not be good either for Spain neither for Catalonia as there is a major economic crisis in the country. I think everyone is in the right to fight for their ideals but Catalonia is part of Spain although this not like to the catalans

  34. I think that Catalonia shouldn't get independent from Spain and especially in these moments, because the crisis is affecting on a great rate to all our country and it would be important that we keep all together if we want to solve this terrible situation. I disagree with the position of the government of Catalonia because due to their irresponsible ambition for being free, they're complicating more and more the situation, and I think is so selfish. With their behaviour, they're only accentuating the conflicts with the rest of Spain and what they don't realise is that if they get independence, they'll not get recognised by the European Union and on the future, they'll have more economical problems and nobody will want to help them.
