6 ene 2013

Shopping Addiction

  Today, shopping is extremely easy.  Pretty much everything is available online and is two clicks away from being sent to your house.  The problem with this is that it can create some addicting habits; and habits can be hard to break.
  I'm sure we've all purchased something online, whether we needed it or not, something that caught your interest.  Would you have done the same had you gone to the store?  A good way to prevent this is to not buy anything you didn't plan to.
  Advertisements, they are everywhere.  You can't watch TV without being bombarded, you can't browse the internet without obnoxious sidebars, there's billboards and even bus stops have them.  They are impossible to avoid, but not impossible to ignore.
  Shopping addiction is an understandable thing, especially in today's society but all you need to do is be conscious of what you're consuming and think about it for a little bit before making a decision.

Alejandro Carbajal 2n A

3 comentarios:

  1. Thank you! Easy for me to read. I really appreciate that!

  2. I think the same as you. There are a lot of advertising around us, and it's almost impossible buy the things that you need and anything more.

  3. I agree with your point of view, advertisments are everywhere and they make us buy thinks that we don't need.
