In the last few years, experts have discovered a new type of addiction which has been called “fashion victim”. This term is used when we refer to someone who is always changing his dressing style, and consequently buying a lot. This might be surprising for most of the people, but not for me. Some months ago I realized that I was a “fashion victim”, since that moment I started going to the psychologist. Currently I can control myself and I’m going to give you some tips.
First of all, you should make a list of the things you’ve planned to buy so as not to start catching a lot of things. If you want to buy a little whim, there’s no problem.
Secondly, try not to go mad due to the sales. Pay attention very carefully to the prices and the offers and don’t be swindled. Do not buy unnecesary things, overcome the temptations! You must learn to avoid the stupid fashion.
In conclusion, I think people must regulate their feelings and be prudent.
Marcial Moya 2 BTX A
ResponderEliminarI am a part of those who can't understand it, basically because I hate shopping and I'm really pragmatic. I also didn't new you were a "fashion victim", and I can't belive it could be healed by a psychologist.
ResponderEliminarWell, it's a very good psychologist.
EliminarI've really liked your essay, as you've tried to make it funny saying you are a "fashion victim" and that you need help, but this really happens and if people have got this problem they should follow Marcial's advices and if it serious, they should go and visit a psychologist.
ResponderEliminarhahaha sometimes I can be really imaginative. I don't know any fashion victim but if my advices are useful then I am happy.
EliminarI've liked your essay and I think that now a days, our country have a lot of "fashion victims" who are spending terrible moments because of the crisis.
ResponderEliminarI really laugh when I read that you were a fashion victim because I know that you don't be like this. I like your story for this, you have imagination to create a new Marcial and then you give some advices which, I think, are really true and they come from your opinion. Now, I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I don't think so because you were my classmate last year and I know you!!!
ResponderEliminarhaha you're right, I'm not a "fashion victim". if I was it I couldn't live in Menorca, because there isn't any Corte inglés.
EliminarI liked reading your composition because it's original, and the tips you give are quite useful. I agree with your conclusion: I also think that certain people should control themselves a bit more. Shopping should be just a normal activity, not an addiction.
ResponderEliminarVery good Marcial! I hope that "fashion victims" like you will cure their illness reading your experience. :)
ResponderEliminarand Fernando should try to overcome his "games addiction" XD
EliminarThis composition is really good, but I think that problem can't be recovered going to a psychologist. It is too addictive.
ResponderEliminarGood job, Marcial. I hope you overcome your addiction soon. I think that the problem is not in our mind. We are being hypnotized by professional advertisers who are able to make us desire an useless which we don't actually need. So I put the blame on them.
ResponderEliminaruh hypnosis... maybe, what it's true is the colours' effects, I mean, there are differents colors, and every colors gives us differents feelings, and advertisers can play with that in order to make us feel atracted to the product. Would you buy water with a red colored bottle? or buy a detergent with a black coloures box? It's there, but people don't pay much attemption to it, they don't have time to think about it.
Eliminaruseless thing*
ResponderEliminarI like so much your essay, Marcial. I enjoyed reading it because it's a real story. Congratulation.
ResponderEliminarWait, real? haha what do you mean? Am I fashion victim? or do you like it because it seems to be real?
EliminarI agree with you Marcial because many people buy muny things that they don't need and consecuently they spend much more than they had thought.
ResponderEliminarIt’s good to share with us your own experience and what you have learned about it.
ResponderEliminarI agree with your composition and I think that the tips you share are goods.
ResponderEliminarI think going to a psychologists is a little extreme and honestly pretty funny! I'll try my best not to go mad, thanks for the tip.
ResponderEliminarI like extreme things... Be careful with your "cereal bar" addiction hahaha