17 ene 2013

Over a million protesters demand Catalonian independence

 AFP Photo/Josep Lago
A million and a half people took to the streets of Barcelona, according to police estimates, to demand independence for the autonomous Spanish region of Catalonia as the country as a whole faces crippling debt.

At least one train and more than 1,000 coaches were chartered to bring supporters from all over the region to the march. The mob filled the streets with red and yellow Catalan flags, rallying under the slogan "Catalonia, a new European state," chanting “what do the crowds want? A new European state! What do the people want? An independent Catalonia!"

A swelling unemployment rate combined with financial instability have fueled the secessionist spirit. Polls published on Tuesday show that 46.4% support the independence bid – twice as many as in 2008, when the financial crisis began, writes The Guardian.

The autonomous Spanish community, whose economy is bigger than the entirety of neighbouring Portugal's, accounts for a fifth of Spanish output.

But it is burdened by the austerity cuts put forth by the Spanish and European governments in response to the global economic crisis that has left one in four Spaniards jobless. http://rt.com/news/catalonian-national-day-protest-independence-925/

Take to the streets: To gather together in the public streets of a town or city to show communal solidarity in either celebration or opposition. (salir a la calle)
Face: meet , be confronted by (afrontar)
Crippling: disabling (agobiante, paralizante)
Mob: a riotous or disorderly crowd of people (muchedumbre)
Rally (under the slogan) : gather (mobilizándose bajo el lema)
Chant: to intone (a slogan) rhythmically or repetitiously (corear)
Polls : the casting, recording or counting of votes in an election /survey of people, voting (votación, encuesta, sondeo)
Fuel: support, stimulate (alimentar)
Swelling: growing (elevado, que va en aumento)
Unemployment rate: tasa de desempleo
Bid: an effort to gain an end / attempt (intento, petición -de independencia)
Account for: explain ( representar)
Output: what comes out, the production ( producción)
Burdened: oppressed (agobiado)
Put forth: present, propose (proponer)

9 comentarios:

  1. I think it isn't the best moment to be having Catalonia independent as to recover and become again a rich country we have to be all together, thinking as a group and not as an individual. We know the country isn't in his best moment and this is the reason why we should help our country to be stronger thinking in a better future. As I'm sure that with everyone's help and participation we can recover but if we start complaining and not trying to solve these problems it will be worse and we won't recover from the crisis in a thousand years. To concluded my solution is to leave the manifestaciones and the idea of independence and start thinking as a group to help the country.

  2. In my opinion it's a nonsense that this people want to be independece because nowadays one region can't go ahead on alone, because one small state like Catalonia in Europe it's like a small fish in the ocean, it will be lost.
    It's true that the state can't benefits one region and others don't, this needs to change.
    For this reason i think that the better way is stay all the region together and help each other to overcome the situation.

  3. I think that the Catalonia independece is a really stupid think, because it is true that Catolonia brings high benefits to Spain, but I'm sure that Catalonia wouldn't survive like a independece state without Spain, despite all his benefits. We have to stick together, for this reason I agree with Alex, because Spain is a big grup, not a small independece states.We need to hepl each other to overcome intern problems. This is my opinion, but I don't know if it is the better way.

  4. The residents of Catalonia have their arguments for to be favor of their dependence. I think that they are being selfish but. Catalonia is a fifth of Spanish output. Maybe if Catalonia becomes independent, Spain would have more problems. Another regions such as País Basc or Comunitat Valenciana would want to be independent too. The problem would be more serious.
    I like this topic: "There is strength in numbers" and I think that Spain need it now.

  5. In my view Catalonia independence is not a thing of which all the population is favour of, just 1 million of more than 7 millions and despite they get the independence and they have an high production, who would buy this producction if the most of this goes to Spain?,instead of manifestate they should be working to solve the crisis problem.

  6. It is obviously that the independence isn't a solution, but we have to know that Spain is not a reality. Is stupid try to making a country united deleting the other cultures of the state. Is correct think that because we live in a place that is called Spain, spanish or "castellano" is the correct and brilliant language? As the king Juan Carlos said “ isn't the time to pursue chimaeras” but for any of the two parts. The diversity of cultures in Spain is a reality although many people don’t like. We can be a country but but is necessary the respect of all the people.

  7. Honestly,I 'm not very informed on this topic,but I know this last year the manifestacions for the independence of Catalonia increased. From my point of view, I think Catalonia didn't need the independence because always formed part of spain and all was well until them.If Catalonia achieves independence could cause many problems both economic and political and therefore, I don't think that the independence is necesary.

  8. In 1714 Catalonia was invaded by the Spanish crown against his will. Now, after 300 years, Catalonia demand the independence in a totally democratic way: a referendum that reflects the people's voice.

    Many political parties in parliament are opposed as the PSOE or PP. But the voice of parliament is not the same as the voice of Catalonia. The voice of Catalonia reside in the "Generalitat de Catalunya" chaired by Artur Mas and Oriol Junqueras, followed by the spokespersons of ICV and CUP, fully independence, who have an absolute majority.

    But is it possible the independence of Catalonia? We will not know until it occurre, if that occurs. Well, economically have a tax system that is not bad and can get better. But this is my opinion. However several German economists believe that the economy of Catalonia is one of the best in Europe, because the three economic sectors are balanced, as well as exports and imports. This is one reason for Catalonia independence: the fiscal plundering of his great economy.

    Leaving the economic issue, I will focus on the cultural. Catalonia has undergone several times harassment since the Spanish invasion, basically in the language. For example Francisco Franco who tried end with his lenguaje. And, today, one of those stalkers is Wert, who said that we had to "españolizar" the Catalans.

    In conclusion, Catalonia has its reasons for independence, but isn't the government of Spain who has to decide, is the catalan people who have to decide.

    Freedom for Catalonia!

  9. Catalonia's independence is a topic which sets tongues wagging. In my opinion, Catalonia has strong reasons to get independence but I'm not sure the solution of their disagreement with Spain's government, or what's more, with the hole country, is this one. The independence is a long process which has to be done correctly because it could have bad consequences and it's true that these days the Spain's situation is not favorable. Will Catalonia be independent in the near future? Maybe! Anyway, I'm not part of the Catalonia's nation and it's not my problem, even though it's possible that next year I will be studying there. Finally, what I defend is that we have to respect all the nations, with their culture and their language/s and catalonian people, refering to the language, haven't been respected, at least, not altogether!
