9 ene 2013

Media and body image (FINAL VERSION)

As time goes by, people are more and more concerned about their body. It may seem a normal worry, but if someone becomes obsessed, then it turns into a really serious problem. Nowadays, many people are affected by this, and as I see it, the media is directly linked.

Firstly, it’s obvious that television is the main responsible factor for this obsession with self-image. Many films, advertisements or reality shows are carried out by gorgeous people, not by “normal” people. Consequently, the audience wants to be like them.

Not only television influences body image, but also magazines. Some magazines advertise slimming products or recommend different diets so that people can feel better about their own body. Especially with diets (with sport too), we have to be aware of our limits, because an excess can lead to health problems.

In conclusion, I would say that the most important thing is to feel good about ourselves, because becoming obsessed with one’s physical appearance (although it’s not my case) can be quite dangerous. Finally, I think that the media should change things to avoid this increasing concern.

                                                                                                                  Rafa Jiménez Aguilar, 2A

8 comentarios:

  1. I'm completlly agree with you, but I think that the media didn't have all the fault. I think that the producters of music and cinema are linked on it to. They search good-looking people in order to have more success, so the teenagers want to be like them, like their idols, and, as they are so young, they could be obsessed.

  2. I really like your essay, Rafa, and I think you are right. Nowadays people care much more than before about their body. They even spend an incredible amount of money on it, just to look good and attractive, and I think that it is totally unnecessary. We just have to do what you said: we have to be happy with ourselves and not becoming obsessed.

  3. I totally agree with you. The body image is influenced by the media and it usually causes disorders in people. In addition, it is important that people are less worried about the appereance

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't completely agree with you: the population isn't "normal" people as you said, but advertising (TV, posters) have sought a model of woman and man, and they want us to believe that this is perfection and you have to reach it as possible. So, as you said, by dieting or exercising

  5. I agree with you, because I think that the media is the main problem about the obsession of body image.

  6. I agree with you, mrdia has a big influence on us.

  7. As you have said, the media (not only TV but also magazines) is a big problem which create on teenagers (and some adults) an obsession about our body image.
