4 ene 2013


Nowadays some people have found a new way of travelling: swap their houses. This new way of swapping permits to travel/ allows you to travel around the world only paying  tickets and the food.  Although some people are against to/ -- this, I believe that it is a great experience and a very good and cheap way to go on holiday.

First of all we have to say that (...) most people who choose this method are responsible. We don’t have to forget that our house is being used by other people. This is one of the reasons for which/ why I/ I would agree to  swap my house, I’m also/ I would also be in a house that is not mine and I will/ would try to keep  it very well.

On the other hand, and with the situation that lot of people are living now, swapping houses is an opportunity to know the world and live a new experience with a few/ little  money. You only have to found/ to find a person who wants to swap his house, a cheap ticket and a supermarket where you can buy basic products.

As I see it, this way of travelling is a cheap opportunity to see the world. 

Sergi Olvera 2A

11 comentarios:

  1. IMPROVING! Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red.

  2. I agree with you. I think house swapping is an original way of visiting new places, meeting new people, improving our English and so on. Maybe you focused too much on the economic advantages. As I see it, you could have talked a bit more about other points. However, I think your text is quite correct.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like your view, house swapping is new way to know the world and know anothers countries and anothers cultures, but personally I would'nt swap my house.

  5. I agree with you, because it is a new way to be able to travel and of cheap form. Also since you've said your "most people who choose this method are responsible. We don’t have to forget that our house is being used by other people" it is a great advantage because we have fairly high percentage to fully trust these who will live in our house.

  6. I also agree with you. House swaping is a very good way to make travelling cheaper. The only thing you should be worried about is who is going to stay at your house and to make sure that they are reliable people.

  7. I'm agree with you because it's a new form if travel and make new friends. That would be a good form if people are responsable with his acts.

  8. I agree that it is a cheaper way of seeing the world, but, in my opinion, I would not be calm knowing that someone else is living in my house. The people may seem responsible and not be. Would you be comfortable knowing that other people are living in your house? I not. But I think that is a good way to travel for people who are more entrusted.

  9. Now read the essay and pay attention to the words in blue. Then erase the words in red and change the whole colour (original colour- black) and write FINAL VERSION next to the title.

  10. I agree, house swapping is a good tool against the crisis. I supose that it helps a lot of people nowadays.

  11. I agree with you in the part of economizing, but I think (it's only my opinion) that I wouldn't be comfortable in the house of another person. What would happen if I break something important or valuable?
