6 ene 2013

Shopping Addiction (FINAL CORRECTION)

An addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse dependency consequences. Therefore, if a person feels the need to buy, buying can be considered an addiction.

First, we live in a consumer society, so the consumption of products is not frowned upon. On the other hand there are many times when the number of purchases soar, such as Christmas or birthdays... So, we must evaluate when the shopping addiction begins in society: does Christmas promote shopping addiction or do we just consider it a special day?

Some psychologists have studied this and have cataloged it as an addiction. Some people feel the need to buy some products that are unnecessary like, for example some people buy many clothes that do not get used. It's a very new concept but society has to take control over it because many studies show that people increasingly feel the need to go shopping more and more.

In conclusion, people should moderate their purchases so they don't end up getting addicted. Today, brands incite people to buy, so people should know the purpose of brands and they have to control themselves.

Joel Pampillón Florit 2n Batxillerat B  

2 comentarios:

  1. wELL DONE! Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red.

  2. I agree with your arguments. It's true that society is increasingly consumerist and people don't know how to buy with a conscience, whether or not necessary .
