8 ene 2013


     Nowadays, children must be prepared to face the tough future that is ahead of them. They are our prospective so we need to take action and try to make it happen. In my opinion, as a possible strategy, teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn.

     Firstly, we need to focus on Selectividad results. If students have learned enough along the year, their marks should be good. For those teachers that get high qualifications in most of their students’ exams, they’ll get an extra payment for their dedication. 

     Secondly, there should be studies in the increase of students’ marks along the scholar-year. If statistics show an excellent progress, teachers will be rewarded with a greater wage at the end of the year.

     All of these incentives will help students to be more prepared for the future. In spite of the many economic problems there are at the moment, education should be a very important point to deal with. So to sum up, let’s spend on education!

17 comentarios:

  1. This is a very good idea Arianne. I don't know how anybody else hasn't come up with such brilliant idea. You should go to talk to the education minister and try to make it happen. I'll support you.
    Perfect essay.

    1. Thank you Arianne 2. You an excellent fan

    2. I don't know, Arianne 1, it looks like Arianne 2 is being a little sarcastic. You two should fight.

  2. XD It seems like if Arianne was talking to herself. I like your idea about Selectivitat, but the other one might have problems, because there would be teachers who would put the marks wrong to get more money...ex: instead of 7,7,7 the would put 5,6,7 in the marks. There isn't so much difference because the students only pay attention to the final mark, but it wouldn't be fair for the other teachers... unless the did the same, what would be really strange for the student, who isn't used to improve in all the subjects.

    1. First of all, Arianne is talking to a fan, so please, no ofense in the blog.
      Secondly, the exams would be comon in all the schools in Spain my friend. So, teachers would not look at the exams, they will only have to correct them. Later on, an inspector might appear in every school to revise that teachers are doing their job correctly. There would not be any type of cheat in this perfect process.

    2. Ah, that's another thing my dear friend.. then I agree .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've liked the essay, as I think Education is a good investment, as nowadays there is a lot of unemployment because of the bad results in education, so if the spend money in education the would be less unemployment,we would have better students, in conclusion everything would be positive.

    1. Alex, excellent job. You've been the only one that has really understood the objective. So, congratulations my very good math partner. Keep on going like this, you'll be a great engineer.

  5. Your composition is good, but I don't agree with you at all. The problem aren't the teachers, the problem are the students. There are some students who think that studies are useless, and it cause they don't finish their studies.

  6. I agree with you on some points, Arianne, but I think that some teachers will raise their students marks in order to habe a higher income. Also, I think that this won't be good for students, because everybody will have high marks, even those who hasn't done anything, and that's not fair.
    My solution is to do an evaluation exam, just to know if that teacher really helps their students on their studies and helps them to learn new things, or he only reads what the book says and explains nothing.
    To conclude, I agree with you that education is the base to make a better society, and that nowadays, is being underestimated.

  7. Good job Arianne. Congratulating yourself is good to your self-esteem. I agree with you, but I think that it could only work in students who really want to learn, and this is a problem in the basic levels, which are compulsory to everyone until a certain age. That's why I think that this would only work in high degrees such as college studies or even bachillerato.

    1. Only beacuse it's you Mr. Pons, I'll do an exception and explain that like I explained to Marcial, it's not myself, it's a fan.
      About your coment: Students that really learn are students that want to learn. In order that students get the need to learn, teachers have to be very good to make them be interested in the subject. Moreover, ESO students need "accion-reaccion", so a prepared teacher will know how to make this brilliant process with the help of an excellent psycology. All of this is possible thanks to my great idea of improving teacher's earnings.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I want a fan too... Now I understand your idea, and I like it, but spanish government will invest money in other stupid things rather than in education, the will say that we're in crisis and we can't waste so much money.

  8. I don't agree with you Arianne. In my opinion, the results also depend on students. It doesn't maind how good is the teacher if the student doesn't study enough. Even so, you have done a good job. Congratulations!

    1. Carlitos, students with a good and prepered teacher are students with a future. A very good future. I'll give you a good example: When you are about to do an exposition, it is true that it is very important how the student explains, but, it's even more important that the source of information is also correct. So, teachers are like the source of our information. In order to be good and brilliant, our information has also got to be like that. Think about it, my dear friend carlitos.
