10 ene 2013


Almost every woman or man that appears in the media, either on TV or in magazines, is good-looking, especially women, with their slim and delicate bodies and their smooth face. But current people only see these women or men in the media, hardly ever on the streets. Is this just a coincidence? Of course not.

The media producers choose atractive people as their representatives because they want to pick our attention. But they don’t think about the consequences. Doing this, they create the picture of “the perfect body” and they make people believe that if they want to be good-looking, they have to look like them. Thus, many young girls stop eating or start vomiting to the point of being ill because of their worries about their self image, and these worries are because of this silly media thing about having more followers and success.

To conclude, I would say that the media shouldn’t influence our self image that way, and instead of that, it could do something to fix the madness they have created.
Roser Sanchez Todo, 2n batx A

25 comentarios:

  1. Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red.

    1. Mandi, I'm sorry, I didn't see I had to add Corrected in the title, and I have done it now

  2. I agree with your point of view, I think that everything is done to make people waste their money attempting to look perfect, when we all now that nobody can be.

  3. I know someone who is a bit bulimic, media adverts can be dangerous. It should be a law against being too beautiful.

    1. I have a friend who has been bulimic too, and, do you know what? The doctor told her that she should avoid magazines and TV programmes for a while, can you guess why?

      And I do agree with you about the danger and so, but I think that instead of create a law against being too beautiful, it should be a law which ban the Photoshop modification or things like these.

      Thank you, Marcial.

  4. I also think the same, as nowadays they use to much fotoshop, than then gives an image that isn't true. As Roser has said,this can cause serious problems, as lots of girls and sometimes boys want to become as the people in the advertisements and do silly things that then cause fatalities, ill people...

  5. I've really liked your essay, but I think that if a programme choose bad-looking men or women, some people won't see this programme and will choose other programme which will have good-looking actors or actresses. To conclude, i think that firstly we have to change we. But at the same time, the programmes have to change.

    1. I think that It doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, the TV programmes or magazines have to pick our attention by being interesting, not by having good-looking actors or actresses, as you say. But sadly most people are based on the appearance, and they choose the TV programmes or magazines which have good-looking men or women. So, I definitely agree with you, we all have to change our ideas, and by ‘all’ I mean everybody, the media and us.
      Thank you, Ignasi.

  6. I agree with you, the main culprit are TV and magazines. They use many methods of deception that end up affecting the most vulnerable. These media use so-called "perfect bodies" and people think they are role models, but also the fault of the people who watch these media. Should anybody believe everything that see on TV? No need, each one must judge what you see. If one sees a perfect body on television don't have to admire it, everyone should be happy with themselves.

    1. I think that you are right, and I like what you said: we don’t have to believe everything that we see on TV, firstly we have to judge it.
      Thank you very much, Joel.

  7. I also agree, because nowadays T.V and magazines show us the perfect body, and the most times this perfect body in the real life don't exist, because all this kind of media often use photoshop and other things to improve the image that they give at us.

  8. Good essay. I also think that the media has caused a really serious problem, based on the obsession with the self image, that can lead to illnesses and depressions. In my view, if a TV program is good, the body of the people who appear on it shouldn't be important. I agree with your conclusion: the media should concern about this problem and try to solve it.

    1. I like your point of view, Rafa, we should choose a programme because it is interesting, not because of their actractive or gook-looking representatives, that shouldn't be important.
      Thank you very much for commenting.

  9. I'm completely agree with you Roser. Really the TV and others things make believe, above all in girls, that to be thin is much better than to be fat and therefore the boys love you more.

    1. Yes, Marta, and it is sad, it shouldn't be that way, should it? And as Rafa said, it can lead to serious problems, so there's no good in that.
      Thank you.

  10. I also agree with you. Magazines, TV and all this media show us a image of perfection even when this perfection doesn't exists and that causes of a lot of problems to a lot of people nowadays.

  11. Thank you all, I really like your comments

  12. I also agree with you, Roser. The perfection doesn't exists and the tv and others lie us showing false images about the really perfection.

  13. I think the same as you because "a perfect body" doesn't exist and people shouldn't try to be like that atractive people. Consequentlu, they do some things that are harmful for themselves.

  14. I also agree with you Roser. All these types of media are making most of young people around the world not to feel happy with theirselves, and then, it produces that this people want to show to everybody something that they are not. But this is a great error, because then, they have health problems, that all this models have passed to show "a perfect body" that we can't have, so you get more worried about that stupid things than your daily life.

  15. I totally agree with you, Roser. In my opinion, TV and Magazines don't show us a "real body", they show us a "perfect body". Well done!

  16. you're grate Roser, the adverstisig creates an ideal image that few pepole can have.

  17. I also agree with you Roser, people want to seem to perfect bodies that appear in TV's and Magazins and it shouldn't be in this way because we must have diversity among people

  18. I totally agree with you, Roser. If television, magazines, and other media do not give us this vision of the perfect body, there would be fewer cases of people falling in eating disorders.

  19. I agree with you Roser, the media just wants to confuse people. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
