6 ene 2013


In every society there will always be a number of people who are unemployed. Unemployment is when there are people who want to work but there aren’t enough jobs for everyone. Nowadays in Spain 23% of the population are unemployed and this percentage will continue to increase in the next years .

In my opinion, the unemployment is not just the only problem that haunts Spain; for example, the cuts that the States are doing now are very important and it's estimated that they will increase too. The health cuts and cuts in education are generating serious problems, but these problems are in the background. It seems that all these problems are caused by the economic crisis. Spain is considered one of the countries of the European Union where there is more unemployment and it's the worst worrying problem in Spain.

For this reason the state should help people who are unemployed to improve the country's economy. I think that it is not easy but if everyone contribute, this problem could go into the background.

Ana Claudia Chupillón, 2n C

5 comentarios:

  1. IMPROVING!! Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red.

  2. I am also in agreement that cuts in health and education are even giving serious social problems, the government should take measures that affect both the middles classes are the ones who suffer most in the crisis and the poorest even worse.

  3. This is exactly the same that I think. Nowadays, the unemployment is probably the worst problem that we have in Sapin. There are lots of families, that none of them have a job. For this reason, the state should arrenge this stituacion in Spain.

  4. I think that government should take measures to resolve the problems but nowadays, the government is interesting in the money and not the serious situation.

  5. Now read the essay and pay attention to the words in blue. Then erase the words in red and change the whole colour (original colour- black) and write FINAL VERSION next to the title.
