3 ene 2013

Do you think unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain today? (Final version)

Nowadays, the economic and financial situation is the most worrying problem in the Spanish society. Since the economic crisis started some years ago, the development of most of the national companies has decreased and they keep in an extreme situation, on the edge of their fail. This economic instability causes the concern of many Spanish families, who see that their economic resources are not safe. In this context of unemployment and poverty, many people claim for a change in our system. But everything is too complicated and this radical change needs radical measures, which are not easy to be taken.

Firstly, we have to change our minds completely and go step by step. We are giving too much importance to foreign companies with such large capital that could buy a whole country. The change starts by promoting the national companies in order to increase their benefits, even if the prices of their products are a little bit higher. Doing this we could let workers of these companies, who are Spanish, earn a salary, helping them solve their economic problems. This would increase the Spanish employment rate.

Another measure, the most important in my opinion, could be reorganizing the political and financial system, starting by revising the salaries of most of the politicians and the distribution of the taxation. Spain has one of the highest number of politicians in Europe, even ahead of countries with a larger population. This means that there are too many politicians, which mean an extra expense to the central government, helping the economic crisis to increase. Adding the problems of corruption, which are very common in Spain, the sume of expenses in the expenditure on politicians increases to an exorbitant number. 

To conclude, the change in our system is possible only with severe measures which affect political, economical and financial structures. These changes are difficult to be taken, even though they are necessary, because the ones who have to approve them are the ones who will suffer from them. In my opinion, that's the reason why Spain has kept, keeps and will keep in this situation for a very long time.

Borja Pons Torres, 2nd B 

1 comentario:

  1. Borja, it is a very impressing how you are self-informed about the politicial situation in Spain, it's obvious that you are very interested. However, I don't share your opinion. It is true that Spain needs radical reforms so that it can be again what it used to be once upon a time. But, do you really think that when we change the political system, this new way of government will actually be different? Corruption is a term that we've seen in History with our teacher Conxi, and like the signature sais it's a term that has come, comes, and will always come joined with politics, it's historical. So, I propose, continue with the same political system but applying the law and punishing corruption. This could be the best way of making a change in this situation: judgement and strength.
