4 ene 2013

Do you think unemployment is the worst worrying problem in Spain today? (CORRECTED)

Nowadays many people are on the dole because Spain suffers an economic crisis that is affecting the country. According to the last data report  unemployment can reach up to six million. In my view I think it is a serious problem.

Firstly,It is hampering the lives of many families because if they have children the parents need money for their children's entertainment, among other things, secondly, I think that unemployment also affects on the standard of living of the people since they spend less and consequently others are affected. We could say it's like a chain.

To conclude, I believe that unemployment is a serious problem because many people are suffering a lot as they don't have enough money by the end on the month having the same expenses or more than before.

Marta Martínez Álvarez, 2 BTX A

14 comentarios:

  1. Improving. Now try to correct the mistakes in red and add CORRECTED in the title. Remember to keep the mistakes in red.

  2. I agree with you, nowadays unemployment is one of the most wooring problem in Sapain. People need to work to live, If people haven't got a job, they won't have money to live.

  3. I agree totally with you, since this crisis affects his all. The unemployment is a problem that it has made begin, since you have said your, a chain which makes suffer to many families for not being able to come in order month, or not be able to do according to that you sew...

  4. I agree with you Marta. I think that we have a serious problem which we can't confront it. If the government does nothing, the country will continue equal, but the government doesn't help us and we can't to nothing.

    1. Yes Yaiza, the government should do something for this would better. Otherwise I don't know that will happens...

  5. I'm agree with you. I also think that nowadays unemplyment in Spain it's a very serious problem. If the presidents don't do anything, the country will be worth.

    1. Carol it's clear that unemployment is a very very very serious problem in our country. Hopefully that this will better...

  6. I agree with you Marta, nowadays, unemployment is one of the principal problems. People is suffering a lot and it is worrying. Good job Marta!!

    1. Yes Jordi, many people are suffering this crisis and many of them have had changed their standard of living.

  7. I agree with you Marta. In my point of view, nowadays Spain is livind a difficult moment due to the crisis and unemployment is the most serious problem that we have because many people havn't got job.

  8. I agree with you. Unemploymet is a serius problem nowadays and, as you said, it's a chain that afects to a lot of people. Politicians should do something to fix it.

    1. Laura really this it's a chain because if the people can't pay many things the others are affected.

  9. I totally agree with you Marta, also the politicians continue harming and doing nothing to help the society, we're not going to get a better situation, and this is producing that a lot of companies and factories have to close, and consequently, that unemployment rises more and more. Like you said, this is a chain that affects to all the country.
