7 ene 2013

Should we try to be greener? (FINAL VERSION)

Nowadays words like "greenhouse effect" or "global warming" appear everywhere. It's said that fossil fuels are running out or that water and air pollution are increasing and there's lots of people who don't realize about it and don't do anything. In my opinion, we can avoid it and we have to be concerned about it. 

First of all, we are the owners of our planet and if we don't do anything in order to look after it, we will end up living in a place full of rubbish. As I see it, everybody should try to be greener because the action of ten people maybe doesn't have a big effect but the actions of people all over the world can help and improve the situation. The first thing we can do is the three  "R"s: recycle, reuse and reduce. Plastic is the one who causes many problems such as contamination or animals' death. So, if we use the three  "R"s with plastic, we will be doing a good action. In addition, not only because we're doing a good thing for our planet but also we can satisfy ourselves. To my mind, being satisfied is an important thing. Secondly, we can be part of organizations who prepare activities, on the one hand, to try to help the planet, and on the other hand, to show people which are the environmental problems and how we can solve them.

To sum up, to be green is a personal decision and you have to choose if you are really concerned about it. I believe that people have to do what they want as it gives you more satisfaction. 

Marina Cervera 2n B

5 comentarios:

  1. Well done Marina, there's only a spelling mistake and I've tried to improve a few things in blue. Read the essay again,correct the spelling mistake in red and use the sentence in blue instead of the underlined one.Then change the colour and write FINAL VERSION next to the title. Remember to write a title!

  2. I agree with you, Marina. Nowadays, one of the most worrying problems we have is the environment. But not everybody is actually concerned about this problem.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very good Marina, I absolutely agree with you. A lot of people think that's not a problem, nevertheless the environmentally effects are a reality. If we want a good future fot our descendents, we will concerned more in that big problem...

  5. Well done, Marina! I would like that everyone think like you, because the environment is a terrible problem and we have to take care of it. Congratulation.
