17 ene 2013

Hobbies? (Final Version)

Television, newspapers, magazines and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities because people like these news and buy magazines like “Hola!” and others to know what celebrities are doing with their lives.

Firstly, I think that a lot of people buy these magazines, and they spend a lot of money, consequently they improve the economy.
Secondly, this kind of news entertains a lot of people and some of them enjoy reading them.
On the other hand, celebrities don’t have any personal life because it is shown in magazines. Therefore, these reports replace other news like the global warming in newspapers or magazines, as a result, people don’t know about the problems of the earth or others which are more important than the personal lives of famous people.
Some people think that magazines, newspapers or television programmes which show the personal lives of famous people are stupid . Normally people who see these programmers are women, but some men watch them as well.

To sum up, I think that people are very nosy  and they like to know what celebrities do at all times, and I agree with the fact that televisions, newspapers and other media  show us the personal lives of famous people, because if these news didn't exist, maybe people would use  different methods to know what celebrities are doing.

3 comentarios:

  1. I disagree with you on the last paragraph, because I think people is influenciated by media, and if media stops showing the personal lives of famous people and starts showing important news, people will lose their need of knowing other people's personal life and will be more concerned about the climate change,for example.
    I think you have done an excelent essay and I think you deserve a 9 out of 10

  2. I think the same as you when you explain that celebrity lives shouldn't be as important such as global warning or important news.

  3. Good essay Ignasi!
    I must say that I would be angry with you if you hadn't resolved it saying: but some men watch them as well.
    Because i'm the kind of people who think that the programmes which show the personal live of famous people are stupid.
