26 ene 2013


More and more, there are a lot of people who need to go shopping like an addiction, an illness. In my view, there are two reasons that can explain this fact:
Firstly, I think that advertising has an important repercussion on this fact with their slogans. They show  people that their products are the newest and the coolest so everybody wants to have that garment. They need to have it, to show to world that they are the coolest, the most modern. Without those objects, they feel empty, depressive, as if they were missing something in their lives. They rely on shopping like  alcoholics rely on alcohol.
Secondly, most of the people who go shopping do it to hide something that they miss, people who have been  stricken by something. They try to solve it with better clothes, modern bags or new shoes, but this satisfaction, only last for a short period of time.
To sum up, I think that solve your problems with shopping, alcohol or something like that is not the solution, so we need to help  people to stop doing these things.

Júlia Fàbregues Pons 2nBatx. A

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