3 ene 2013


Nowadays, a lot of slimming products, beauty treatments, surgical procedures for a better physical image are advertised.

It seems to me that this kind of advertisments should be banned at children's wathershed hours because it can affect their mind. Therefore, teenagers could fall in the mislead of their body appearance, such as a perfect one.
They might be encouraged to take slimming products, girls have a bosom plastic surgery intervention, to increase the shape of their lips could be appealing.It may be a huge problem for their health in the future.

I don't feel affected by it, because I feel very self confident and well in my body. On the other hand, the education I have received from my parents, has not let me fall in this way of life.

In conclusion, in spite of the many benefits announced by the media, I strongly believe that they go too far.


12 comentarios:

  1. There are some people who want to obtain a "perfect body image" but I think that it's impossible. There will always be imperfections and it implies to worry for something that don't have a definitely solution. Moreover, there are other problems more important than these. The advertising helps to contribute that the children worry about it and they are very young. Maybe if the advertisements are banned at children's watershed hours, they don't learn these stupids ideas.

  2. Definitely should be totaly not post things like this about physical changes that children may be affected by these ads that may lead to rejection.

  3. I agree with your view. Everybody should be happy with his body, but, for that, is necessary that children have a good education and don't watch these advertisments.

  4. I agree with you. I think that nowadays there are a lot of people that are influenced by advertising about beauty treatments, slimming products... they watch on TV. Therefor, is necessary that children don't watch advertising and fell good with their body.

  5. Yes, it's true. Nowadays there are a lot of people who have psychological problems relevant to their body and they make it the impossible to look better. However, this is just the answer to the "perfect body" which are associated the idea of beauty that have the people.

  6. I'm agree with your poit of view, Gloria. Unfourtanetly, we live in a country where your phisical apparence it's very important. Also, there are too many people that have psicologicals problems due to his phisical apparence.

  7. I agree with you,these kind of commercials are not good for children. In my opinion, it's stupid to buy these kind of products (slimming products) because i'm sure that they don't work.If there are people who don't want to be fat they should do exercise and eat healthy food, moreover people shouldn't change their physical appearance with plastic surgery because it's like lying to yourself and you have to accept who you are.

  8. I agree with you,these kind of commercials are not good for children. In my opinion, it's stupid to buy these kind of products (slimming products) because i'm sure that they don't work.If there are people who don't want to be fat they should do exercise and eat healthy food, moreover people shouldn't change their physical appearance with plastic surgery because it's like lying to yourself and you have to accept who you are.

  9. In my view permanently ban these advertisements could be a really good idea cause nobody needs to see edited photos and videos on the TV that make you feel worse.

  10. I agree with you, Gloria. I think that the bad society where We live is the responsable of all that you're said. People, and a lot of things young people, worry enough abouth their appearance. It's the time to say at this ill society that we are people, not dolls...

  11. I agree with you because many people are obsessed with their body and consecuently, they are operated to look better and buy beauty products but actually with all that they do, they not feel good and thus end up obsessed
