3 ene 2013


People like to have a lot of things and always follow  the latest fashion, although they don't need it, they only buy to have things.

One day you buy a colony sponsored by your favorite actor; another day, you buy a t-shirt of the clothing brand that you like; another day you buy the watch sponsored by your favorite athlete, and so on.
People tend to buy all these things according to who celebrity sells it to us, or that brand. Therefore, we don't buy by need (to meet a need), we buy to feel good in front of others.
I think that shopping is an addiction for many people, because when you start buying everything that you like, you can't stop doing it
Personally, I try to buy only the necessary things I need but sometimes I buy something that I don't need, but i like it.

Finally I 'd say that we are used to buying only quality products or some recognised brand.


1 comentario:

  1. I agree that perople buy things according to the celebrity who sells it to us, but i think that the most important thing that inflence us to buy more is the price, because nowadays there are a lot of shops in which you can buy a lot with less money
